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Change and analyze text in Workdocs

TextTools is a collection of tools that allows you to transform and analyze text in your Workdocs.

It automates repetitive manual tasks to save you more of your precious time!

When you purchase TextTools , you get access to all its features:

  • Transform text into different formats, such as superscript or AP-style titlecase
  • Do word, sentence, character, and page counts
  • Generate Lorem Ipsum text
  • Find and replace text


Install the app with this button:

Add to

Or you can install the app through the Marketplace.

The app will be immediately accessible in Workdocs.


Once you install the app through the marketplace, the app will be immediately available in your Workdocs. No additional setup or configuration is required.


Try it out free!

We offer a two week all access free trial so you can see how this app fits with your workflow.

Like this app?

Sign up for an annual plan and get 2 months free! You save at least 17%.

PlanDescriptionYearly Price (per month)Monthly PriceFeatures
PioneerUp to 2 Seats$0$0
  • Unlimited text transformations
  • Count words, sentences, pages and characters
  • Find and replace text
  • Generate placeholder text
TrailblazerUp to 5 Seats$3$4
  • Unlimited text transformations
  • Count words, sentences, pages and characters
  • Find and replace text
  • Generate placeholder text
AcceleratorUp to 15 Seats$9$11
  • Unlimited text transformations
  • Count words, sentences, pages and characters
  • Find and replace text
  • Generate placeholder text
VelocityUp to 30 Seats$18$22
  • Unlimited text transformations
  • Count words, sentences, pages and characters
  • Find and replace text
  • Generate placeholder text
MomentumUp to 50 Seats$29$35
  • Unlimited text transformations
  • Count words, sentences, pages and characters
  • Find and replace text
  • Generate placeholder text
HorizonUp to 100 Seats$54$66
  • Unlimited text transformations
  • Count words, sentences, pages and characters
  • Find and replace text
  • Generate placeholder text
SummitUp to 200 Seats$99$120
  • Unlimited text transformations
  • Count words, sentences, pages and characters
  • Find and replace text
  • Generate placeholder text
ApexUp to 400 Seats$199$240
  • Unlimited text transformations
  • Count words, sentences, pages and characters
  • Find and replace text
  • Generate placeholder text
ZenithUp to 800 Seats$399$481
  • Unlimited text transformations
  • Count words, sentences, pages and characters
  • Find and replace text
  • Generate placeholder text
InfinityUnlimited Seats$999$1204
  • Unlimited text transformations
  • Count words, sentences, pages and characters
  • Find and replace text
  • Generate placeholder text


Have a question about how to use TextTools ?

Please contact us at and we’ll get back to you within 48 business hours.

We’d also love to know if you’ve thought of an improvement or found a bug.

1 - Find and Replace

Find and Replace text in Workdocs.

TextTools - Find and Replace finds and replaces text in selected text or entire Worddocs

Quick Reference

TextTools - Find and Replace will find text in a Workdoc and replace it with different text.

Case matching is supported.

To use it on selected text in a Workdoc:

  1. Highlight text.

  2. Click the puzzle piece icon.

  3. Select TextTools - Find and Replace.

  4. Enter text to “find”.

  5. Enter text to “replace”.

  6. Optional: Check “Match case”

  7. Click “Find and Replace” and wait for the operation to complete.

  8. Done!

To use it on the entire Workdoc:

  1. Type /texttools on a new, blank block.

  2. Select TextTools - Find and Replace.

  3. Enter text to “find”.

  4. Enter text to “replace”.

  5. Optional: Check “Match case”

  6. Click “Find and Replace” and wait for the operation to complete.

  7. Done!

What It Does

The TextTools - Find and Replace tool finds text that you specify and replaces it with new text.

TextTools - Find and Replace finished operation on selected text (some replacements are hidden behind the context bar)

When a find and replace operation finishes, the tool will show a count of replacements that were completed.

Where it works

The TextTools - Find and Replace tool works on highlighted text or full Workdoc documents.

Case matching

TextTools - Find and Replace can match the case of text:

If “Match case” is checked, red will only match red If “Match case” is unchecked, red will match red, RED, REd, Red, rED, or reD

See the below screenshots:

Starting text: If this is the starting text…

Case match is checked: This matches the case of the word “red”.

Case match is not checked: This matches any case of the word “red”.

How To Access It

You can access TextTools - Find and Replace from:

Access from the Context Menu

This operates on text you've highlighted or selected with the mouse.

  1. Highlight a portion of text with your mouse to make the context menu appear.

    Highlight your text to make the context menu pop up.

    Highlight your text to make the context menu pop up.

  2. Click the Puzzle Piece icon.

    Click the puzzle piece.

    Click the puzzle piece.

  3. Look for TextTools - Find and Replace in the "Installed Apps" list (you may need to scroll).

    Look in "Installed Apps."

    Look in "Installed Apps."

  4. Next, select TextTools - Find and Replace.

Access from Command mode

This operates on the entire Workdoc document.

  1. Start a new block and type /texttools.

    Type "/text" and search the list.

    Type "/text" and search the list.

  2. Then select TextTools - Find and Replace.

Access from the Blue Plus button

This operates on the entire Workdoc document.

  1. Click the Blue + button.

    Click the blue "+".

    Click the blue "+".

  2. Then look for TextTools - Find and Replace.

  3. Next select TextTools - Find and Replace.

How To Use It

TextTools - Find and Replace options

  1. Access TextTools - Find and Replace through one of the methods above.
  2. Enter text to “Find”.
  3. Enter text to “Replace”.
  4. Optional: Check “Match case” if you want case matching.
  5. Click “Find and Replace” and wait for the operation to complete.
  6. The number of replacements completed will be displayed.

2 - Lorem Ipsum Generator

Generate lorem ipsum paragraphs, sentences, and words in a Workdoc.

TextTools - Lorem Ipsum generates lorem ipsum text

Generated placeholder text

Quick Reference

TextTools - Lorem Ipsum will generate lorem ipsum text and add it after the current block in a Workdoc.

You can specify a number of paragraphs, sentences, or words.

To use it on the entire Workdoc:

  1. Type /texttools on a new, blank block.

  2. Select TextTools - Lorem Ipsum.

  3. Select paragraphs, sentences, or words.

  4. Select the number of them you want.

  5. Click generate.

  6. Done!

What It Does

The TextTools - Lorem Ipsum generator adds placeholder paragraphs, sentences and words to your Workdoc.

TextTools - Lorem Ipsum options


The TextTools - Lorem Ipsum generator will add text in regular blocks or columns layouts.

New text will be inserted in new blocks below the block you are currently on.

You can:

  • Create paragraphs, sentences or text.
  • Choose how many units you want (i.e. “3 paragraphs”).

How To Access It

You can access TextTools - Lorem Ipsum from:

Access from Command mode

This operates on the entire Workdoc document.

  1. Start a new block and type /texttools.

    Type "/text" and search the list.

    Type "/text" and search the list.

  2. Then select TextTools - Lorem Ipsum.

Access from the Blue Plus button

This operates on the entire Workdoc document.

  1. Click the Blue + button.

    Click the blue "+".

    Click the blue "+".

  2. Then look for TextTools - Lorem Ipsum.

  3. Next select TextTools - Lorem Ipsum.

How To Use It

TextTools - Lorem Ipsum options

  1. Access it with one of the above methods.
  2. Select Unit.
  3. Select How Many units you want.
  4. Click Generate.
  5. Text will be generated below the current block.


TextTools - Lorem Ipsum output

This app will add:

1 or more paragraphs:

Faucibus pulvinar elementum integer enim neque volutpat ac tincidunt. Pellentesque elit eget gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis. Dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo eget magna.

1 or more sentences:

Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit.

1 or more words without punctuation or capitalization:

quis nostrud exercitation

3 - Transform

Transform highlighted text with upper/lowercase, titlecase, subscript/superscript, slugify, and more in Workdocs.

TextTools - Transform helps you transform text

Quick Reference

TextTools - Transform will take selected text and perform the following operations.

  • Titlecase
  • Capitalize
  • Sentence case
  • Uppercase
  • Lowercase
  • Slugify
  • Subscript
  • Superscript
  • Snake case
  • Camel case

To use it on selected text in a Workdoc:

  1. Highlight text.

  2. Click the puzzle piece icon.

  3. Select TextTools - Transform.

  4. Select the transformation you want.

  5. Done!

What It Does

The TextTools - Transform tool takes selected text and transforms or reformats it.

You can perform these operations:

TitlecaseSee the Quick Brown FoxAssociated Press capitalization
CapitalizeSee The Quick Brown FoxCapitalize the first letter of every word
Sentence caseThe quick brown foxCapitalize the first letter of a block of text
Lowercasethe quick brown fox
Slugifythe-quick-brown-foxMake a “slug” suitable for URLs
SubscriptH₂OWill not work for all characters
SuperscriptE = mc²Will not work for all characters
Snake casethe_quick_brown_fox
Camel casetheQuickBrownFox

The TextTools - Transform tool only transforms highlighted text. It doesn’t transform full Workdocs via command mode (although you could select all the text in a Workdoc to make that happen!).

How To Access It

You can access TextTools - Transform from:

Access from the Context Menu

This operates on text you've highlighted or selected with the mouse.

  1. Highlight a portion of text with your mouse to make the context menu appear.

    Highlight your text to make the context menu pop up.

    Highlight your text to make the context menu pop up.

  2. Click the Puzzle Piece icon.

    Click the puzzle piece.

    Click the puzzle piece.

  3. Look for TextTools - Transform in the "Installed Apps" list (you may need to scroll).

    Look in "Installed Apps."

    Look in "Installed Apps."

  4. Next, select TextTools - Transform.

How To Use It

  1. Select the text you want to change and access the app through the puzzle icon (as shown above).

    Select Text: We want to subscript the “2” in “CO2”.

  2. Find your transformation (you may have to scroll to find it).

    Scroll through the list to find your transformation: We want to find “Subscript”.

  3. Click the button for the transformation.

  4. Your text transformation is complete!

    Your transformation is complete!

4 - Word Count

Get word, character, sentence, and page count in Workdocs.

TextTools - Word Count provides word, character, sentence, and page count

Quick Reference

TextTools - Word Count will count words, sentences, characters, characters without spaces, and pages in a Workdoc.

To use it on selected text in a Workdoc:

  1. Highlight text.

  2. Click the puzzle piece icon.

  3. Select TextTools - Word Count.

  4. Done!

To use it on the entire Workdoc:

  1. Type /texttools on a new, blank block.

  2. Select TextTools - Word Count.

  3. Done!

What It Does

The TextTools - Word Count tool counts:

  • Words
  • Sentences
  • Pages
  • Characters
  • Characters without spaces

TextTools - Word Count provides word, character, sentence, and page count

TextTools - Word Count will either:

  1. Do counts on the entire Workdoc if you activate it through the command `/texttools`
  2. Do counts only on text that you select or highlight

Page Counts

Page counts are calculated by taking the word count and dividing by 250. In other words, we consider 250 words to be equal to one page.

Page counts are only shown in whole numbers (like 2, 3, 10) when there is more than one page.

How To Access It

You can access TextTools - Word Count from:

Access from the Context Menu

This operates on text you've highlighted or selected with the mouse.

  1. Highlight a portion of text with your mouse to make the context menu appear.

    Highlight your text to make the context menu pop up.

    Highlight your text to make the context menu pop up.

  2. Click the Puzzle Piece icon.

    Click the puzzle piece.

    Click the puzzle piece.

  3. Look for TextTools - Word Count in the "Installed Apps" list (you may need to scroll).

    Look in "Installed Apps."

    Look in "Installed Apps."

  4. Next, select TextTools - Word Count.

Access from Command mode

This operates on the entire Workdoc document.

  1. Start a new block and type /texttools.

    Type "/text" and search the list.

    Type "/text" and search the list.

  2. Then select TextTools - Word Count.

Access from the Blue Plus button

This operates on the entire Workdoc document.

  1. Click the Blue + button.

    Click the blue "+".

    Click the blue "+".

  2. Then look for TextTools - Word Count.

  3. Next select TextTools - Word Count.

How To Use It

Once you’ve accessed TextTools - Word Count , it will immediately conduct counts on selected text or the entire document, depending on how you accessed it.

TextTools - Word Count is executed immediately once you access it.

5 -

6 - TextTools

Change and analyze text in Workdocs

Welcome to the TextTools app!

TextTools is a collection of tools that allows you to transform and analyze text in your Workdocs.

TextTools helps you automate repetitive tasks:


Install the app through the Marketplace. No additional setup is required.

You can also request a feature or report a bug.


7 - TextTools Demo Video

Video Demo